This invitational exhibition brings together a dynamic group of artists who will explore the themes of water and wind through the medium of paper, deploying and altering its materiality with methods of printing, painting, folding, shredding, and stitching.

New York artist Wes Bruce returned to build an immersive paper installation in the gallery and lead out a residency with community workshops.  Wes is known for his memorable 2013 Schaefer Gallery installation Taken By Wonder

Participating artists also include Zenobia Lakdawalla, Erin McAdams, Janetta Napp, Deborah Nehmad, Koichi Yamamoto, and Keith Yurdana.

Gallery Hours:  Tuesday through Saturday, 10am - 4pm | Admission is free 

Wes Bruce, Confluence, gallery installation

Zenobia Lakdawalla, Aftermatter Print Series 1-18, collaged linocut print on paper

Erin McAdams and Deborah Nehmad, Contact, 2022, ccopperplate direct gravure on Toyo gampi paper

Janetta Napp, gallery installation

Koichi Yamamoto, Ageshio, 2022, monotype print on paper

Keith Yurdana, Calligraphy of Elements No. 1, 2022, acrylic and ink on paper